


Hermione Norris is well known for her roles like Karen Marsden in Cold Feet as , Ros Myers in Spooks and Detective Inspector Carol Jordan in 'Wire in the Blood' amongst others.

Falling Apart promo

Mark Strong is well known for his roles in Films like Elephant Juice, his Theatre work,Henry VIII and more recently and Walk Away And I Stumble (ITV1)







Extreme Location Filming Services

Rock and Ice offer specialist support and technical advice for filming, film crews, news crews, cameramen, celebrities and special corporate / charity/ promotional events.

We are technical experts in the field of abseiling stunts, rope work, rescue, rock climbing, mountaineering and related activities.

We will provide all the technical support you need to film your production and work in extreme, adventurous and potentially very dangerous locations with confidence. We cover the risks so you can concentrate on what's important - the 'feel' of your film production.

Click here for some examples of our recent work.


ford smax


Rock and Ice helped launch the Ford S Max advert in 2011 climbing on wax then superimposed onto glass buildings in Bilbao.

We also did the abseiling stunts for the new Health Lottery advert lauched recently.

Hermione Norris

Pictured on the left is the actress Hermione Norris, working with Rock and Ice instructors on the Drama / Documentary 'Falling Apart' ( shown on Channel 4 in October 2002) with actor Mark Strong (pictured on the right) for Century Films. This was produced on impressive cliffs at the beautiful Roaches Estate in the Staffordshire Moorlands area of the Peak District National Park.


Rock and Ice provide all the necessary training, technical support and overall safety for actors and film crews from conception to the final result.

We can supply anything from a single consultant to a whole team of qualified and professional people from a variety of backgrounds.

For extreme location filming services and guiding services call Richard Hogan on 07740 302131 for more information.


buildings pose no problemsema abseilema abseilrescue skills







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