

climbing holidays and mountain climbing

climbing holidays and mountain climbing

climbing holidays and mountain climbing

climbing holidays and mountain climbing


Touching Rock - Indoor Climbing to Outdoor Trad Climbing

climbing holidays and mountain climbingAre you sick of the crowded indoor walls where you learnt to climb? Feel the need for fresh air and excitement?

Take the climbing outdoors with Rock and Ice, we can show you how easy it is to do this safely, you might have heard how different it is outside? Its true! You need to learn the basics of ropework, trad gear placements, equipment limitations and much more.

Grade 4 indoors may equate to Very Severe (VS) outside but in reality the two have little in common, apart from the height you may fall from if you get it wrong! You won't get it wrong on one of these courses!

It really is possible to start lead climbing outdoors and take responsibility for others in 2 days. Bring some suncream!

Call us now ( 01335 344982 ) to chat about your requirements or book this course.

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